UAB "Verslo Lyga"

Company's UAB "Verslo Lyga" data and contacts

Company's logo

UAB "Verslo Lyga"

Company address:

Gabijos g. 89-3, LT-06105 Vilnius

Company registration code:


Company registration date:


Company turnover:

2011: 5 001 - 10 000 €

Company UAB "Verslo Lyga" activity

The company UAB "Verslo Lyga" operates in these areas of activity:

More information about the UAB "Verslo Lyga" company:

Company's UAB "Verslo Lyga" registration code is 300866828. Company has been registered on 2007-06-06

Company's UAB "Verslo Lyga" address is Gabijos g. 89-3, LT-06105 Vilnius.