Tofina, UAB

Company's Tofina, UAB data and contacts

Company's logo

Tofina, UAB

Company address:

Šiaurinės g. 17, Didžiosios Riešės k., LT-14261 Vilniaus r.

Company phone:


Company registration code:


Company transport:

2018-10: 1 automobilis (priklauso)

Company SS insurer code:


Company employees:

1 (renewed: 2024-01-26)

Company turnover:

2016: 0 - 5 000 €

Company Tofina, UAB activity

The company Tofina, UAB operates in these areas of activity:

More information about the Tofina, UAB company:

Company's Tofina, UAB registration code is 304287935.

Company's Tofina, UAB address is Šiaurinės g. 17, Didžiosios Riešės k., LT-14261 Vilniaus r..

You can contact company Tofina, UAB
by phone:

Company Tofina, UAB as of the date 2024-01-26 had 1 employees